Alessandro Nardin Page for Google Summer of Code 2024

Project Abstract

The Posix Asynchronous I/O (AIO) Implementation project aims to enhance the compliance of the RTEMS real-time operating system with the Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) standards. By refining and completing the implementation of the Asynchronous I/O interface (AIO), the project seeks to improve the portability and flexibility of RTEMS, enabling developers to write applications that can be executed on various platforms.

Project Scope

The project scope includes refining and completing the implementation of the Asynchronous I/O interface (AIO) in RTEMS. Currently, the implementation lacks some methods and functionalities. The project will focus on:


May 27 (coding begins)

July 8 - 12 (Midterm Evaluation)

August 19 - 26 (Final Evaluation)

August 31 (Final Results Announced)

Proposed Schedule
